*JUDICIAL DATASET* use "Hackett King SAPD 2019 - judicial data.dta", clear eststo mod1: logit indivdecbin partybin, cluster (courtnum) eststo mod2: logit indivdecbin partybin sexbin ,cluster (courtnum) eststo mod3: logit indivdecbin partybin sexbin racebin,cluster (courtnum) eststo mod4: logit indivdecbin partybin sexbin racebin whenchallenged,cluster (courtnum) eststo mod5: logit indivdecbin partybin sexbin racebin whenchallenged nap,cluster (courtnum) eststo mod6: logit indivdecbin partybin sexbin racebin whenchallenged nap ib3.region,cluster (courtnum) *Table 5* esttab mod1 mod2 mod3 mod4 mod5 mod6, se star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) *STATE LEGISLATOR DATASET* use "Hackett King SAPD 2019 - legislator data.dta", clear eststo mainMod: melogit votebin i.partybin mrp_mean pcgovwork blackracebin sexbin blackpc privschenrolmentpc stateedexppc prevlegalchallenge pcunionstatelev || statefipscode: || geoid: eststo intMod: melogit votebin mrp_mean i.partybin##c.mrp_mean pcgovwork blackracebin sexbin blackpc partybin##c.blackpc privschenrolmentpc stateedexppc prevlegalchallenge pcunionstatelev || statefipscode: || geoid: *Table 6* esttab mainMod intMod, se star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) *Figure 5* sum mrp_mean if partybin ==0 sum mrp_mean if partybin ==1 margins, at (mrp_mean=(-1.073578(.18902262).8166482) partybin=0) matrix temp = r(table) matrix tempAt = -1.073578 \ -.88455538 \ -.69553276 \ -.50651014 \ -.31748752 \ -.1284649 \ .06055772 \ .24958034 \ .43860296 \ .62762558 \ .8166482 matrix colnames tempAt = xAt matrix tempParty = 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 matrix colnames tempParty = Party matrix temp = temp \ tempAt' \ tempParty' matrix margins = temp margins, at (mrp_mean=(-.7811941(.16210958).8399017) partybin=1) matrix temp = r(table) matrix tempAt = -.7811941 \ -.61908452 \ -.45697494 \ -.29486536 \ -.13275578 \ .0293538 \ .19146338 \ .35357296 \ .51568254 \ .67779212 \ .8399017 matrix colnames tempAt = xAt matrix tempParty = 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 matrix colnames tempParty = Party matrix temp = temp \ tempAt' \ tempParty' matrix margins = margins, temp matrix marginsFlip = margins' clear svmat marginsFlip, names(col) label define party 0 "Democrat" 1 "Republican", replace label values Party party twoway /// (rline ll ul xAt if Party==0, lcolor(gs9) lpattern(shortdash)) /// (rline ll ul xAt if Party==1, lcolor(gs9) lpattern(shortdash)) /// (line b xAt if Party==0, lcolor(black)) /// (line b xAt if Party==1, lcolor(black) lpattern(longdash)) /// , ytitle(Predicted probability of voting for voucher bill) ylabel(0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1, labsize(small) angle(horizontal) nogrid) /// xtitle(District ideology) xlabel(-1 -.75 -.5 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1, labsize(small)) /// legend(order(3 "Democrat" 4 "Republican") rows(1) region(lcolor(none))) /// xsize(20) ysize(16) *Figure 6* use "Hackett King SAPD 2019 - legislator data.dta", clear melogit votebin mrp_mean i.partybin##c.mrp_mean pcgovwork blackracebin sexbin blackpc partybin##c.blackpc privschenrolmentpc stateedexppc prevlegalchallenge pcunionstatelev || statefipscode: || geoid: sum blackpc if partybin ==0 sum blackpc if partybin ==1 margins, at (blackpc=(0(9.355226)93.55226) partybin=0) matrix temp = r(table) matrix tempAt = 0 \ 9.355226 \ 18.71045 \ 28.06568 \ 37.4209 \ 46.77613 \ 56.13136 \ 65.48658 \ 74.84181 \ 84.19703 \ 93.55226 matrix colnames tempAt = xAt matrix tempParty = 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 matrix colnames tempParty = Party matrix temp = temp \ tempAt' \ tempParty' matrix margins = temp margins, at (blackpc=(0(6.812603)68.12603) partybin=1) matrix temp = r(table) matrix tempAt = 0 \ 6.812603 \ 13.62521 \ 20.43781 \ 27.25041 \ 34.06302 \ 40.87562 \ 47.68822 \ 54.50082 \ 61.31343 \ 68.12603 matrix colnames tempAt = xAt matrix tempParty = 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 matrix colnames tempParty = Party matrix temp = temp \ tempAt' \ tempParty' matrix margins = margins, temp matrix marginsFlip = margins' clear svmat marginsFlip, names(col) label define party 0 "Democrat" 1 "Republican", replace label values Party party twoway /// (rline ll ul xAt if Party==0, lcolor(gs9) lpattern(shortdash)) /// (rline ll ul xAt if Party==1, lcolor(gs9) lpattern(shortdash)) /// (line b xAt if Party==0, lcolor(black)) /// (line b xAt if Party==1, lcolor(black) lpattern(longdash)) /// , ytitle(Predicted probability of voting for voucher bill) ylabel(0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1, labsize(small) angle(horizontal) nogrid) /// xtitle(% African American population in district) xlabel(0 20 40 60 80 100, labsize(small)) /// legend(order(3 "Democrat" 4 "Republican") rows(1) region(lcolor(none))) /// xsize(20) ysize(16)